And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.

Matthew 18:5

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Am I adopting because I love Juliese's Tights?

Last night was a discouraging one for me. All of the fears that I felt while adopting Juliese came back into my mind. What if this child will not sleep? What if she does not bond with her siblings? What if there is not enough money to care for her or even adopt her? Have I imagined this entire mission that you gave us? Am I doing this because of the cute striped tights that Juliese loves to wear on Sundays? When I woke up this morning, I prayed, Lord if just one person donates anything then I will know it is your will not mine. Praise God, He answered prayer with my first "heart to help" donation! I never want to stray away from your heart, sweet Jesus. However, Jeff and I are willing to go back to China, raise this money, and teach her your ways Lord. Then, the Lord brought these verses to my mind, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you (my dear Joelle) not more valuable than they {the birds}? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:26-27

Things to ponder on . . . I have chosen the "bird theme" of our blog due to the tapestry that we bought in China that shows two parent birds flying to rescue their young. Juliese often refers to us as the "birds that saved her"; however, the reality, is the Lord used us as his vessels to rescue her--to be our forever daughter. Will others with "Hearts to Help", be led by the Lord to assist us financially? [Our family is personally blessed each time we plant a financial seed into others who wish to adopt.] I, too, believe that Joelle, along with her sister, will be ambassadors for you, Lord. May many more children find homes and, more importantly, find YOU, Dear Jesus.


Anonymous said...

I am excited to follow your journey. Part of me wants to adopt again, and part of me wants to keep things as they are. I would love for Hannah to have a sister, but I have all of the same questions you have, plus some. So waiting on God to make His plan very clear, for both Alan and I. We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store, for all of us!

Eva Schumacher said...

So glad I listened to the still, small voice that said to take action. You guys are in the right place. As always-e